Today marks two years since Jenny died. I miss her now more than ever, especially as the memory of her illness fades and the memories of the love and encouragement she gave me over the previous 45 years grows stronger.
I can’t make any more memories with Jenny. I’m stuck with what I have. No more cooking together, sharing recipes, no more trips to Pottery Barn, no more phone calls of encouragement around the holiday season when I get overwhelmed, no more walks together, no more reading every word of every sign at museums and other places we would travel together. Jenny will never again sit on my couch with me and talk late into the night about how good God is.
Where she was in my life, there will always be a hole.
However, inside that hole now grows a burning desire to find a cure for brain cancer. This fire in my gut requires me to act, to fight to DO something.
Incredibly, I don’t have to fight alone.
Two men, Rob Decou and Marshall Reeves have, for the last five days, been racing across the country on bicycles with little or no sleep, climbing steep mountains, crossing burning deserts, and now fighting stiff, hot Kansas winds so that others may have hope. They and their crews have joined with me to raise funds for research for brain cancer.

Marshall Reeves and Rob DeCou run into each other on day two of the course.
I invite you to join us. We can never win this battle alone. Simply put, we must have money for research. These next 5 days, as you watch these two incredible warriors fight their exhaustion, sunburn, saddle sores, sore muscles and joints, numb hands and feet, and continue pedaling again and again, please give. As you think of their crews, who sacrifice vacation time, decent food, sleep and time with their own loved ones so that they can care for and protect these cyclists, make a donation.
Each rider has a goal of $20,000 for brain cancer research. We are not even close to halfway there. Please help bring us to the finish line, so that others may live. Thank you.
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