June 27th
Anthony Parsells, a member of the support crew, takes a selfie with Rob.

June 27th
Rachel White cheers for her dad at the finish of Race Across America.

June 27th
Rachel White, Rob's daughters, embraces LeAnne Short, Rob's girlfriend, at the emotional finish in Annapolis, Maryland.

June 27th
LeAnne Short, Rob's girlfriend, tears up as different racers, coaches, and officials congratulate Rob.

June 27th
Rob poses on stage with his support crew.

June 27th
Rob poses in a handmade laurel crown before getting on stage to take photos with his crew.

June 27th
LeAnne Short, Lucia Parker, and Maria Parker watch Rob as he's interviewed after receiving his finisher's medal.

June 27th
Erin White, Tyler White, Jim White, LeAnne Short, Alex Hernandez, and Maria Parker celebrate Rob's successful Race Across America finish.

June 27th
Rob makes a face for the cameras at the finish line in Annapolis, Maryland.

June 27th
Rob is interviewed at the finish line of the 3,000 mile Race Across America cycling race. Rob started in Oceanside, California, and finished in Annapolis, Maryland.

June 27th
Rachel White hugs her dad at the finish of the Race Across America in Annapolis, Maryland.

June 27th
Rob finishes the 3,000 mile Race Across America in Annapolis, Maryland.

June 27th
Rob ends his parade finish in Annapolis, Maryland, greeted by family, friends, and crew members.

June 27th
Kara Lawless, sister of media intern Aly Moser, cheers for Rob at the parade finish line with her husband in Annapolis, Maryland.

June 27th
Anthony Parsells waves a flag fastened out of a pair of women's underwear while waiting for Rob at the parade finish line in Annapolis, Maryland.

June 27th
Rob pedals away from the official finish line toward the Shell station where he will change into a clean kit for the parade finish.

June 27th
Rob arrives at the official finish line with his newly re-broken collarbone in a sling.

June 27th
Rob is surrounded by his crew and family at the official finish line at Ramshead Roadhouse in Maryland.

June 27th
Rob stops to celebrate at the official finish line at Ramshead Roadhouse, surrounded by his sister, Suzy Tews, his crew chief, Brian Arnold, and Alexis Fairbanks, one of the media interns.

June 27th
Rob finishes at the official finish line at Ramshead Roadhouse in Maryland.

June 27th
Rob receives his medal for completing the Race Across America in 10 days, 19 hours, and 52 minutes.

June 27th
Rob's crew joins him on stage after the finish.

June 27th
A crowd of supporters waits for Rob at the finish line.

June 27th
Rob's sister congratulates him at the official finish line.

June 27th
Rob crosses the official finish line at Ram's Head Roadhouse in Annapolis, MD.

June 27th
Despite the crew grumbling about the rain, it helped Rob fight his exhaustion for the final miles.

June 27th
Rob's friends and family cheer for him on the side of the road as he pedals his last few miles.

June 27th
Clouds and scattered showers characterized Rob's final 50 miles this morning.

June 27th
Rob's daughter (left) and sister (right) watch as Rob gets back on the bike despite his broken collarbone and injured quad.

June 27th
A rainy morning in Maryland made for a tough wake-up.

June 27th
Safely in the top 10, Rob takes a rest break before riding the last 54 miles.

June 27th
On the last morning of Rob's ride, the entire crew stands on the side of the road to cheer Rob on.

June 26th
Suzy massages Rob's injured leg during a roadside break in Pennsylvania.

June 26th
Rachel White watches as her dad takes a drink of water at a stop sign.

June 26th
Rob happily trades the steep climbs in Maryland for a gentle downhill through Pennsylvania farmland.

June 26th
Brian and Rob scope out the downhill before Rob gets back on the bike.

June 26th
Brian Arnold, crew chief, and Suzy Tews, Rob's sister, check on Rob's injured leg before letting him begin a descent.

June 26th
Suzy, Bob, and Brian push Rob to dig deeper as he reaches the peak of one of the ``Three Sisters`` in Maryland.

June 26th
Lucia Parker sprints next to Rob as his source of motivation during a hard stretch of the course in Maryland.

June 26th
Will Parker, Bob Tews, and Brian Arnold run to keep up with Rob in the hills of Maryland.

June 26th
Rob gets a break from the switchbacks as the road opens up a bit in Maryland.

June 26th
Rob pushes himself through the steep climbs of Maryland.

June 26th
Suzy, Rob's youngest sister, runs beside him for support in a steep part of the course in Maryland.

June 26th
Rob's youngest sister, Suzy Tews (left), and Maria Parker, run to catch up with Rob.

June 26th
Rob checks on his injured leg at the top of a particularly tough climb.

June 26th
Maria Parker takes her turn running next to Rob in the hills of Maryland.

June 26th
Both race and media crew members took turns jogging beside Rob to motivate him through the ``Three Sisters,`` a set of five steep hills in Maryland.

June 26th
Bob Tews, Rob's brother-in-law, and Will Parker, an intern with the media team, run beside Rob during a tough climb in Maryland.

June 25th
Suzy gives Rob a leg massage to soothe his sore muscles while he eats his favorite snack: a quarter-pounder with cheese and a small chocolate milkshake.

June 25th
Chaotic crew shift changes must happen quickly and efficiently in order to stay on schedule and with Rob.

June 25th
Rob gets ready to get back on the bike after a McDonald's break.

June 25th
Rob's youngest sister, Suzy, gives him a leg massage during the chaos of a roadside snack break.

June 25th
Crew members Rachel and Alex work quickly to swap coolers and other supplies during a crew shift change.

June 25th
Crew member Alex Hernandez shows Suzy and Rob Tews the course on the navigation tablet.

June 25th
Tyler White is overjoyed after finding his lost rain jacket.

June 25th
Tyler White, a member of the race crew and also Rob's nephew, shows the media crew some of the supplements that Rob takes during the race.

June 25th
Rob is motivated by his crew chief, Brian Arnold, and brother-in-law, Bob Tews, during a hilly leg of the course in West Virginia.

June 25th
Suzy and Bob Tews, Rob's sister and brother-in-law, dress up to lift Rob's spirits.

June 25th
Carly Redfearn rests for a moment while waiting with the media crew for Rob to pedal by.

June 25th
Rob braves the rain to enjoy the cooler West Virginia air.

June 25th
Rob, trailed by his follow vehicle, pedals down a busy stretch of West Virginia highway.

June 25th
Jim ``JC`` Chikos walks Rob back to where he got off the bike.

June 25th
Rob does his ``Kermit the Frog`` stretch before getting back on the bike.

June 25th
Navigator Jim ``JC`` Chikos steadies Rob as he climbs out of the follow vehicle after his rest.

June 25th
Brian Arnold, crew chief, hunts in the back of the cluttered follow vehicle for supplies during a roadside stop in West Virginia.

June 25th
Crew chief Brian Arnold checks on Rob during a snack break.

June 25th
Lucia Parker and the rest of the sunrise media crew begin processing their photos and footage from the morning.

June 25th
Rob cautiously prepares to pedal back onto the highway in West Virginia.

June 24th
Rob milks a bit of traffic due to a crossing train so he can enjoy a chocolate shake.

June 24th
Tyler White (left) and Brian Arnold review Rob's food log before the crew shift change.

June 24th
Alex Hernandez reels in some roadside entertainment (Anthony Parsells) for Rob in Ohio.

June 24th
Troy, a cyclist from Oxford, Ohio, biked with Rob for a couple miles today to motivate him to keep going. Troy likes to bike with all the RAAM racers that come through, but had especially great things to say about Rob.

June 24th
Rob's brother-in-law, Bob, waits for him to pass so he can cheer him on with his wife Suzy.

June 24th
Rob's youngest sister, Suzy, and her husband Bob cheer on their favorite Race Across America racer on the course in Ohio.

June 24th
Crew chief Brian Arnold runs next to Rob to encourage him through the rolling hills of Ohio.

June 24th
Rob powers through Ohio after conquering the rolling hills of Indiana.

June 24th
Media intern Viviane Feldman captures footage of Rob working hard on the race course.

June 24th
Carly Redfearn uses silly props to lift Rob's spirits on the race course.

June 24th
Anthony Parsells, a competitive cyclist and member of Rob's crew, shows his love for the sport (and his sass) with his socks: ``Your bike sucks.``

June 24th
Keith Drake talks to us with his wife, Pam Drake, about the struggles they've overcome during their lives.

June 24th
``The important thing to me is that you can dig deeper,`` Pam said about those competing in the Race Across America.

June 24th
Pam Drake shares that not only has she beaten cancer three times, but her daughter was also born with a brain tumor.

June 24th
Pam Drake, a three-time cancer survivor, shares her experiences with the media crew at the home she shares with her husband, Keith, near the Ohio/Indiana state line.

June 24th
Rob stops to say hi to his crew and to thank the volunteers at time station 41 in Oxford, Ohio.

June 24th
LeAnne Short, Rob's girlfriend, and Jim White, Rob's older brother, cheer as Rob pedals into time station 41 in Oxford, Ohio.

June 24th
Carly Redfearn, who works with Lucia Parker to head the media crew, waits for Rob to arrive at time station 41 in Oxford, Ohio.

June 24th
Community volunteers from time station 41 in Oxford, Ohio, fold some Race Across America t-shirts they have for sale.

June 24th
Lucia Parker, Director of Marketing for 3000 Miles to a Cure and head of the media crew, takes a break at time station 41 in Oxford, Ohio.

June 24th
``Share a coke with your #1``

June 24th
Suzie massages Rob's feet while he takes a break to eat at a time station in Indiana.

June 24th
Rob's family has been such a fantastic support network with him throughout his race, with 3 members currently on his crew and many more visiting him along the way.

June 24th
Today held another surprise for Rob: his sister Suzy and her husband, who told him that they would see him at the finish line, met him at a time station in Indiana.

June 23rd
Rob crossed two state borders today, ending the eighth day of Race Across America in Indiana.

June 23rd
Battling extreme exhaustion, Rob struggles through the rolling hills of Indiana.

June 23rd
Gary Crisler, one of Rob's friends and training partners from Wisconsin, drove over 500 miles in order to surprise him on the course.

June 23rd
Gary Crisler, one of Rob's friends and training partners from Wisconsin, drove over 500 miles in order to surprise him on the course.

June 23rd
One of Rob's training partners from back home, Gary Crisler, cycles beside him to motivate him in Effingham, Indiana.

June 23rd
Rachel White, Rob's daughter and a member of the race crew, leans out of the window of the follow vehicle in order to cheer on another Race Across America racer.

June 23rd
Rob zips along the race course in Indiana, unaware that his friend Gary Crisler, one of his training partners from Wisconsin, is just ahead of him, waiting to ride with him.

June 23rd
One of Rob's training partners from back home, Gary Crisler, drove over 500 miles in order to ride with Rob for 15 minutes in Indiana.

June 23rd
Rob continued to battle exhaustion after his nap, so crew members decorated the sidewalk for his arrival.

June 23rd
Rob's daughter talks to him about passing the Mississippi while crew member Maria Parker applies sunscreen.

June 23rd
Rob's crew helps him get dressed as he struggles to break through the haze of his 90 minute nap.

June 23rd
Rob's brother, Jim, gave up his shorts for Rob to wear while he slept, and was forced to parade around in a white towel in the mean time.

June 23rd
Rob struggles with extreme sleep deprivation, and makes a brief stop at a gas station to get some food and wake himself up.

June 23rd
Rob traveled through small towns and backroads from Missouri to Illinois, crossing the Mississippi River in the process. He has less than 1,000 miles left until the finish line!

June 23rd
The hours before sunrise are often the toughest for Rob, and today he fought to stay awake in the busy traffic of Missouri.

June 22nd
Rob flies through the country towns of Missouri, cheered on by his crew and by strangers.

June 22nd
Time Station 32, a Signal gas station in Camdenton, Missouri, welcomed racers and crew with ice cold water and a baby pool.

June 22nd
Rob sips a Coke in the van after a much-needed nap. He got a kick out of seeing his name on the soda bottle.

June 22nd
Crew members wait for Rob to wake up from his nap on the side of the road outside of Camdenton, Missouri.

June 22nd
Rob talks with members of his crew about how he's feeling on the road. Alex Hernandez (far left), Anthony Parsells (left), and Brian Arnold (right) were worried about Rob getting too tired to continue without a sleep break.

June 22nd
Rob's crew chief, Brian Arnold, runs beside him to show him where the satellite crew has prepared a place for Rob to stop for a quick nap.

June 22nd
Brian Arnold, Rob's crew chief, jogs beside him for encouragement and to ensure that he is alert enough to continue riding.

June 22nd
Rob bikes ahead of the follow vehicle with a big smile on his face. The media crew got to surprise Rob with the news that the donation total had surpassed $10,000.

June 22nd
Crew chief Brian Arnold talks to Rob about the importance of knowing when to come off the road for a nap. Rob was discouraged this afternoon after needing to stop for a 15 minute sleep break.

June 22nd
Crew chief Brian Arnold carries a box of ointments and creams - appropriately labeled ``Ass Stuff`` - on his way to check out Rob during a break at a gas station.

June 22nd
Lucia Parker, Director of Marketing for 3000 Miles to a Cure and head of the media team, cheers and rings cowbells to encourage Rob as he zips by her and the rest of the crew.

June 22nd
Carly Redfearn, Operations Manager for 3000 Miles to a Cure and member of the media team, adjusts her pair of Google Glass while waiting for Rob to arrive at the time station in Weaubleau, Missouri.

June 20th
The look on Rob's face proves that the support and media crew effectively pulled off their surprise: crews arranged for Rob's family friends, the Johnstons, to surprise him with a visit on the race course in Walsh, Colorado.

June 20th
Aly Moser, a video intern on the media team, films Mike Johnston reading messages that crew members have written for Rob.

June 20th
Mike Johnston with his present that he made for Rob when he crosses the finish line

June 20th
Rob's crew leaves messages for him about what his race means to them

June 20th
Rob gets a phone call from John and Mike Johnston, who are really standing just a few feet away

June 20th
The crew waits for Rob to arrive for his surprise is Springfield, CO

June 20th
Rob throws his arms around Mike Johnston, who drove 14 hours with his dad from Wisconsin in order to surprise Rob on the Race Across America race course.

June 20th
Rob embraces his friend John Johnston while John's son Mike, a brain cancer survivor, looks on happily.

June 20th
Rob talks to his friend John Johnston on the phone while Maria Parker smiles, knowing that John is actually hiding 100 feet away, waiting to surprise Rob.

June 20th
Betsy White (left), Rob's sister, and LeAnne Short, Rob's girlfriend, pose at the pop-up party the media and support crews organized for Rob in Walsh, Colorado.

June 20th
Rob's crew chief, Brian Arnold, writes a message to Rob. The media and support crews planned a surprise roadside party for Rob in Walsh, Colorado, complete with special guests: his family friends, John and Mike Johnston, who drove 14 hours from Wisconsin in order to see him.

June 20th
Sarah Cooper, a support crew member and nurse, checks Rob's helmet as the crew prepares him to get back on the bike.

June 20th
Rob zips up his 3000 Miles to a Cure jersey as he prepares to get back on the road after a brief nap in the direct follow vehicle.

June 20th
Crew member Sarah Cooper helps Rob put his bib back on after a quick 20 minute nap in the direct follow vehicle.

June 20th
Sarah Cooper, a member of the support crew and another ultracyclist, feeds Rob a chocolate bar to perk him up after his nap before getting him back on the bike.

June 20th
A groggy Rob begins preparing to get back on the bike after a 20 minute nap in his direct follow vehicle. A hard, hot day of cycling forced Rob to stop a handful of times on the side of the road in Colorado.

June 20th
Rob struggles through hills and heat during an afternoon of tough riding in Colorado.

June 20th
A support crew member performs a handoff from the car in order to give Rob a bottle of water. All of Rob's food and water intake is carefully recorded by the crew ``feeder`` in a detailed log.

June 20th
An afternoon of heat, bugs and low spirits took its toll on Rob as he biked through some of the flatter parts of Colorado the day after tackling the Rockies.

June 20th
Rob struggles through hills and heat during an afternoon of tough riding in Colorado.

June 20th
Rob and Carly Redfearn, a media crew member, watch the support crew work to prepare Rob's bike during a roadside break in Colorado.

June 20th
Brian Arnold, crew chief (left), and Alex Hernandez, crew driver, work together to make adjustments to Rob's bike.

June 19th
Rob listens to a message on his cell phone after climbing Wolf Creek Pass.

June 19th
Rob listens to a message on his cell phone after climbing Wolf Creek Pass.

June 19th
LeAnne Short, Rob's girlfriend, stands next to him while he listens to a message on a cell phone.

June 19th
Michael Conti, the Race Across the West male solo winner, poses with Rob at the summit of Wolf Creek Pass after jogging beside him for encouragement during part of the 8-mile climb.

June 19th
Rob and his crew celebrate at the summit of Wolf Creek Pass. Thanks to Michael Conti for taking this picture!

June 19th
Jim ``JC`` Chikos (left) and Alex Hernandez tend to Rob's bike, while Betsy White, Rob's sister, breathes a sigh of relief after Rob makes it to the top of Wolf Creek Pass. Rob celebrated with some hugs and a couple pictures before hopping back on his bike to continue the 3,000-mile Race Across America.

June 19th
Jim ``JC`` Chikos (left), Betsy White, and Alex Hernandez help Rob off of his bike at the summit of Wolf Creek Pass.

June 19th
Jim ``JC`` Chikos (left), the crew's navigator, and Alex Hernandez, the crew's driver, help Rob off of his bike at the summit of Wolf Creek Pass.

June 19th
Rob makes it to the summit of Wolf Creek Pass in Colorado.

June 19th
Rob makes it to the top of Wolf Creek Pass in Colorado.

June 19th
Viviane Feldman (left) and Carly Redfearn, both members of the media crew, ring cowbells and cheer for Rob as he pedals the last hundred feet to the summit of Wolf Creek Pass. Elevation: 10,857 feet.

June 19th
Jim ``JC`` Chikos, the crew's navigator, encourages Rob during his 8-mile climb.

June 19th
Jim ``JC`` Chikos, the crew's navigator, encourages Rob during his 8-mile climb.

June 19th
From left: Carly Redfearn (media crew), Betsy White (Rob's sister), LeAnne Short (Rob's girlfriend), Alex Hernandez (crew driver), Michael Conti (RAW male solo winner), Jim ``JC`` Chikos (crew navigator), Brian Arnold (crew chief)

June 19th
Michael Conti, the Race Across the West male solo winner, jogs beside Rob as he climbs Wolf Creek Pass.

June 19th
Crew Chief Brian Arnold jogs beside Rob as he climbs Wolf Creek Pass.

June 19th
Crew Chief Brian Arnold jogs beside Rob as he climbs Wolf Creek Pass.

June 19th
Rob's bike is strapped onto the roof of the follow vehicle in front of the snowcapped Colorado Rockies.

June 19th
Rob's sister, Betsy White, jogs beside him so he can talk to his family via FaceTime.

June 19th
Rob's sister, Betsy White, jogs beside him so he can talk to his family via FaceTime.